



“Can you become fit as you get older?”

This is the big question that I’ve been trying to answer for the last decade. The answer is plain and simple: Hell yes!

After a decade of journey trying to figure this all out, I realized that 1) most nutrition book sellers are full of crap; 2) the random high intensity workouts you find on Youtube will probably lead to injury, especially if you’ve had any low back pain or cranky knees or shoulders; and 3) getting a Peloton bike is a terrible idea for your hips if you already sit a lot or have spent time sitting at a desk for many years.

So, here’s my solution. I call it the Trifecta of Transformation: Nutrition. Movement. Mindset. Address these three elements in your life with daily actions and you will get fit and stay fit after 40.

My goal is to provide more than the generic advice you read in a men’s fitness blog. You’ll find articles and videos here that help you actually pull this off given your lifestyle. No bullshit. No fads.

I sure as hell don’t have all the answers, but I know one thing for sure: If you read and implement the advice I lay out in these articles, you will make some meaningful progress with your health.

You will feel better in your body. You will be able to move better and more often with less pain. You will most likely look better in a t-shirt.

Have a look around and dive into the articles below. I think you’ll enjoy what you find.