
Fit and Flexible After 40

A membership to help men over 40 lose weight, build muscle, and get more flexible.


  • Short Bodyweight Workouts
  • Breathing and Mobility Routines
  • Dynamic Habit Tracking and Accountability

Imagine Yourself:

Feeling good about how your body looks

Getting out of bed in the morning pain-free

Keeping up with your kids without getting winded

Why Now?

Did you know that less than 12% of Americans have optimal health?! Yes, that’s right. When you look at basic markers of metabolic health like blood sugar levels, body fat %, blood pressure, and cholesterol, 88% of Americans are unhealthy.

Here’s what we don’t need…

    • Another fad diet telling us what NOT to eat.
    • Expensive workout equipment that you don’t use.
    • Supplements or meds to treat symptoms and ignore root causes.

That clearly isn’t working.

Through a life-long personal journey transforming my body and my health, and now over a decade helping hundreds of men transform their own bodies and health, I’ve come up with a simple solution that can help you get fit and flexible as you get older. 

It’s a framework to organize your days with the right actions so that you’re feeling better in your body. 


Fit and Flexible After 40 Membership

Commit to 30 days and you’ll get results, 100%. Stay longer and you will transform your life. No need to buy expensive equipment or do long, crazy workouts. No supplements. No Fad Diets.

Here’s my vision for you => The 5 stages of your path to success. 



You joined the membership, filled out the vision worksheet, and taken the self assessment.

Time to say goodbye to your old stiff self!

Action items:

  • Watch intro videos
  • Take self assessment
  • Get activity tracker


You’re starting to move more and do some basic bodyweight movements. Your body is starting to open up and feel better.

You got this!

Weekly actions:

  • Steps > 4k
  • ≥ 1x Mobility
  • ≥ 1x Breath work


You’re continuing to move a little bit more and have added some mobility training and strength training to your routine.

Let’s keep going!

Weekly actions:

  • Steps > 6k
  • 2-4x Mobility
  • 2-4x Breath work
  • ≥ 1x Strength workout


Your steps are up and you’re consistently dong your daily mobility and strength work. You feel so much better.

Now it’s time to get to the next level!

Weekly actions:

  • Steps ≥ 8k
  • ≥ 4-5x Mobility
  • ≥ 3x Breath work
  • ≥ 2x Strength workouts


You are moving pain free and doing more shit. You can touch your toes and squat effortlessly. You have a new body.

You are fit and flexible!

Weekly actions:

  • Steps > 10k
  • Daily Mobility
  • Daily Breath work
  • 3-5x Strength workouts

**Both membership levels renew at the founding members price for as long as you’re an active member. If you cancel and rejoin you’ll be subject to the new, higher price.

Meet your guide

Hi, I’m Nick Holt

and I’ll be leading you through this journey.

While I’m now in the best shape of my life at 41, it wasn’t always the case. For many years I was overweight, stiff and struggled to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I thought I was doing so many things “right.”

doing a bunch of cardio at the gym 5 days a week.

starting my day off with a “heart healthy” oatmeal.

putting skim milk in my coffee.

But the scale was up 25lbs. I had low energy and relied on copious amounts of coffee to stay alert. I felt stiff like an old man getting out of bed every morning. Then a 10-yr kid asked me why I had man boobs one weekend afternoon. What the hell.

So here I am in my 30s and as a former athlete I’m being publicly shamed by a 5th grader for having man tits.

Something was very wrong. I had to do something. So I did.

I left the corporate finance world and moved to Costa Rica where I still live 10 yrs later. I started a personal training business which has now evolved into a health coaching business.

I’ve spent over a decade trying to figure all this stuff out.

I don’t have all the answers but I have figured some things out. I’ll share with you my no B.S. approach to what it takes to move well, feel good in your body and do all the things you want to do. 

I look forward to leading you on this path. I look forward to learning and growing and doing the best I can to help you. That’s my mission and I can’t wait to connect with you and help you get fit and flexible.

Before I let you go…

Let me be real for a second. If you do nothing, getting older will be no fun. You’ll most likely be chronically tired, overweight, and sick. Your joints will hurt. Your muscles will weaken. Your youth sucked away. BUT THIS DOESN’T HAVE TO BE YOUR REALITY.

You can fight the aging process, you can get fit and flexible and do cool shit in your 40’s and beyond.

It’s possible, but you need to act and be in action to build the habits. That’s exactly what you’ll get with the Fit & Flexible After 40 Membership. Don’t take my word for it, here are guys who have done it…

“The results have been astounding! In the last 10 years, I’ve tried numerous things to drop these 20 lbs. With Nick, I was able to do it! As a result my clothes fit better, my confidence and energy are through the roof.”

Patrick, 38

“I lost 6% body fat and 6 total inches from my body in 30 days. But what I loved the most about the program is that I now have a plan going forward to keep as fit as I want to — thanks Nick!”

Steve, 44