
I’m looking for men over 40 who want to build muscle, burn fat, and get fit

After training and coaching 100’s of men for over a decade and helping them get in the best shape of their lives, I’ve created a brand-new 90 day program that can help you burn fat, build muscle, and get fit.

Here’s how it works. There are 3 components:

1) Do Less, But Do It Better

You don’t have to go Keto or go balls out on daily HIIT training. You don’t need fancy equipment. Shit, you probably don’t even need a gym. You simply need to do what I call your “big rock” habits. Those will be determined by step 2…

2) Follow My “AABS” System

Assess – Activate – Build – Solidify.

We first ASSESS your unique situation, remove the logjams and ACTIVATE “big rock” habits.

Then we BUILD – build muscle with bodyweight exercises and build fat burning capacity via simple nutrition tweaks.

Then we SOLIDIFY – solidify everything together into a simple game plan that you can execute.

You will actually DO THE WORK because of the “show me the money” model.

3) Implement the “Show Me the Money” Model

The “show me the money” model is a simple accountability tracking app that you fill out every day. This will make sure you actually do what you need to do!

That’s it. Do less, but it do better. Follow the “AABS” system and use the “show me the money” model to stay on track!

Fast forward 90 days and you can be:

  • Ripping your shirt off at the pool down 20 lbs

  • Playing with your kids effortlessly

  • Jumping out of bed full of energy and pain-free

About Nick Holt

I'm Nick Holt and I'm here to show you that getting older doesn't have to suck!

I have a degree from Emory University and am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer.

I am certified as a Level 2 Precision Nutrition Coach, and a Functional Range Conditioning Movement Specialist.

Getting older often sucks if you don't do anything about it, but I believe you can get stronger, leaner, and feel better in your body as you age. 

I've done it myself and have helped hundreds of other guys do it as well. 

After 7 years working in the corporate world, I found surfing and it changed my life. I moved to Costa Rica over 12 years ago and started a personal training business. I was fortunate enough to grow the business into a #1 attraction in a small tourist town called Tamarindo where I still live today.

With almost 30 years experimenting on myself and over a decade training and coaching men, I’ll show you the path forward to getting and staying fit as you get older.